Volition – live drawing met Kevin Scholtze
Together with artist Kevin Scholtze i did a project called “Volition”.
The purpose of this experiment was to broadcast a drawing being made live based on voting being done live from the audience so the story would develop based on these votes. The viewers would tune in on our channel to watch us do the drawing live.
The basic idea of this experiment: We had a basic story but the viewers would alter this story by voting during the broadcast. We were supposed to anticipate on these decisions the audience would make. We also decided that we had to do this drawing in a timespan of 40 minutes. And the drawing area was 10 meters accross(!) . This was a very interesting project to work on and looking forward on doing more of these projects with Kevin.
Most photos were made by Joram Hamer
Written by - Jacco de Jager
Creatieve, zelfstandige webdesigner, visual designer en illustrator. Conceptueel sterk maar ook technisch onderlegd. Voor websites ben ik in te zetten voor het visuele aspect maar ook met de frontend en backend van een website. Voor illustraties kan ik heel strak en grafisch uitingen maken zoals bijvoorbeeld infographics maar ook kunstzinniger(vrijer) werk. - Ontwerpen en ontwikkelen van websites; - Illustraties maken; - Grafisch werk;